Friday, November 21, 2008

Why Choose a Los Angeles SEO Firm During a Tough Economy?

There is no question that small to medium-sized businesses often struggle during tough economic times. Over the years we have seen many clients try to cut back on marketing during these times. There are several schools of thought on the topic: 1) A bad economy is the time to spend money on marketing. 2) Don't spend what you don't have.

Well here is another thought. We have actually been getting quite few new business leads lately. Why? Today, more and more people realize that search engine optimization (SEO) is a must, because most people realize that if they are not in the top pages of the engines like Google or Yahoo, their customers may not find them. But with that there is allot of confusion about who they should hire and what the right SEO strategies. Lucky for us we have lots of experience, and in fact are possibly one of the few Los Angeles SEO firms that are also experts in the new Social Media Marketing -- according to guru and author of The New Influencers, Paul Gillin, MarCom is actually part of the ten percent of marketers nationally doing it. The other 90 percent are still trying to figure out what it is.

In 2006, MarketingSherpa did a survey of 3,053 client-side marketers. They determined that SEO was viewed as the most valuable marketing solution in terms of return on investment (ROI.) In other words, ROI is critical during an uncertain economy.

In the past, traditional marketing and advertising meant spending quite a bit of your budget on tactics that typically don't provide tracking methods for figuring out if it works. Today, the beauty of the Internet and new media marketing is that we can track the results, and tweak the campaigns for better results if need be. In other words, we are more of a lead generation company, than just SEO, or PR or marketing.

A good SEO campaign can tell you a lot about your market because when we do our research about your market, we also research your competitors. We can even see how much money they have been spending on Pay per Click ads. We can determine how many visitors go to their website. A keyword analysis will tell us exactly how many people are searching and what words and phrases they use to find what products and services like you offer

We know that our campaigns address a need or a desire - so when we optimize your website, it will be so that the visitors referred from search engines through your target keywords will have a chance to find you and what you're offering on your website. Int he end SEO should help drive quality traffic to your website. And with that you have a better chance of closing the sale.

We use HitsLink for web analytics, which is a great program to tell more details of what people do after they do come to your site. do they stay on one page longer than others? Do they spend enought time on your site? How much time? Where did they come from before they went to your site? Tracking your website allows you to track your users.

So how should you decide if you need to invest in SEO and or Social Media Marketing? In-house employees are going t probably be too pricey. And on top of that, few people in the marketing today have as much experience as we as SEO experts have. So you are better off hiring outside consultants like MarCom.

The bottom line, SEO and social media marketing should not just be an afterthought to your marketing plan, especially during tough economic times. Because with such good ROI, you really cannot go wrong. In fact, you may get more business than you had before.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

New Domain Name Controversy for Online Marketing

So would you like a website domain name that ends in dot.hotel, or what about dot. restaurant? Well in the future of the world wide Web, you may get your wish. This may be the situation, and major brands are really worried about having to spend millions in order to protect their brands.

The entity that oversees the Web, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, plans to start selling the rights to an unlimited number of top-level domain names in the year 2009. The names would be those of popular subjects geographic locations, types of businesses.

Think about it this way. If you were a national restaurant with a cool branded name, for instance, like McWeener, and you already owned all the sites you thought you needed to own surrounding that name, like,, and,, etc. Now you have to worry about owning McWeener (dot)restaurant, or McWeener (dot) Los Angeles and every other city where the franchises exist too!

Big companies are really worried that this situation could open the doors to Internet scams and fraud, and drastically increase their costs of doing business online. Brand names could get hijacked, causing millions in legal fees, and loss of business.