Thursday, July 9, 2009

Search Engine Optimization Strategy: Essential for Optimization fo a Website

Today, a colleague made a comment about the fact that many of the new open source software and web design applications have built-in search engine optimization. This may be true, but typically the optimization will not work like that of a customized website - the likes of what our SMM guru Mike Keesling does.

Many website designers do not know how to do detailed search engine optimization (SEO). Custom Web site meta, alt and description tags that tie-in with relevant content on each page, and properly characterized. We create a Web site search engine optimization strategy for each of our clients. In fact here's a recent example for client David Gross, founder of Movie Review intelligence, Inc.

We met with David early in April, and realized that his new movie review aggrigation website would have dynamic content with the new movie reviews each week. MarCom's Mike Keesling knew he would have to be creative with the Website's SEO and come up with a clear onsite search engine optimization strategy.

We typically use the SWAT approach for a new client's launch. That includes:
Search engine optimization
Writing content and linking back to the site.
Analytics to track visitors.
Tracking SEO results.

After conducting a competative Keyword Analysis, he figured out a formula to add the Meta tags dynamically. It worked like a charm and the site was recognized within a week on Google.

Meanwhile we added an RSS press room using Press-feed ( and wrote all the press materials, including key words with links to relevant pages on the site.

Next we began the offsite linking strategy, which meant creating a social media marketing strategy, and beginning all the activities of posting tweets in Twitter, Facebook, and the social bookmarketing sites like DIGG. These too include links back to the relevant content on the website.

Currently we are tracking visitors to the website, which are increasing every day. We will do a hard launch with an announcement press release next week on MarketWire. After the second month we will track our search engine optimization results.

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